Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Calls for Crockpot Corned Beef

My family loves corned beef. And I have been making it this time of year for the past four years. This year, I think I finally nailed it! Of course you have to make a Black&Tan and get some rye bread to go with it. I look forward to making this recipe again before St. Patrick's Day, and of course, on St. Patrick's Day this year! Happy 1st Day of March... if only that meant it was time for Spring here in Colorado!

Crockpot Corned Beef

- fingerling potatoes, cut in half
- 4 carrots, cleaned and cut in pieces
- cabbage
- 3-4 lb. corned beef with seasonings (or seasonings packet)
- 1 dark beer, I used a Porter, but have used Guiness in the past

1. Place cut potatoes and carrots at the bottom of the crockpot.
2. Place corned beef on top of veggies. Sprinkle seasonings packet inside.
3. Pour beer around corned beef and add water until meat is submerged (reference picture below).
4. Cook on low heat for 4-5 hours. (mine took about 4)
5. Slice up your cabbage and add it to the crockpot. Allow to cook for additional 20-30 minutes.


Veggies on the bottom
Top: Corned beef on top of veggies
Bottom: Beer and water added

 Adding cabbage

Dinner is served!


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