Sunday, June 30, 2013

Quinoa Fried Rice... Without the Rice

My family is about to go on vacation, so I have been cleaning out our fridge! What to do with all of those fresh veggies before we leave??? So I decided to make Fried Rice, by substituting the "rice" with Quinoa. It turned out so well! I'm excited there are leftovers so I can eat the rest for lunch tomorrow after my run!

I followed this recipe I found on Pinterest. But I made a few adjustments based on all the veggies I had in my fridge. You could really add just about anything you like to this dish - the teriyaki sauce will make it all taste delicious, even to those "picky eaters"!


1 cup cooked quinoa
1 1/2 cups water or chicken stock (I used water)
1/4 cup small onion, chopped
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
3 scallions, chopped and divided
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 tsp. fresh ginger, minced
1 tbsp. olive oil
2 eggs, lightly scrambled and still raw
1/2 cup frozen peas, thawed

1 1/2 tbsp. teriyaki sauce
2 1/2 tbsp. soy sauce
3/4 tsp. sesame oil

1. Cook quinoa according to directions.
2. Mix teriyaki, soy sauce and sesame oil together in a bowl and set it aside.
3. Heat 1/2 tbsp. olive oil to a large pan. Add onion and carrot, cook about 2 min. Add ginger, garlic and scallions, cook for another 2 min. Add 1/2 tbsp. olive oil and the quinoa. Stir fry for about 2 min.
4. Add sauce and stir fry for about 2 minutes until well incorporated.
5. Make a well in the center of the stir fry and add the eggs. Scramble and toss in the peas until everything is heated through.

Veggies I used: onion, zucchini, broccoli, yellow bell pepper, carrots 

 Mixing my Stir Fry

 Scrambled eggs and Teriyaki Sauce

 Adding eggs to the "well" in the center of my Stir Fry

"Fridge Clean-out" Quinoa Fried Rice


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