Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Banana Cream Pie

Summer desserts should be fresh and creamy to the taste! This homemade banana cream pie delivers. It was simple to make and might be considered semi-homemade because I used Cool Whip Topping instead of whipping real cream to make the whipped cream. That means its healthier, right? I made this pie to take over to my parents house for a visit and it was a hit! This would be great to make for a party or even just a family get together to enjoy outside with some white wine.

Vanilla Wafer Crust
- 60 mini vanilla wafers or 30 regular sized wafers, crushed
- 1/2 stick of melted butter

Vanilla Pudding

- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1/3 cup flour
- 2 eggs
- 4 egg yolks
- 2 cups milk
- 2 tsp. vanilla

Other Ingredients

- 3-4 bananas, sliced
- 8 oz. Cool Whip
- Vanilla Wafers

1. For the crust, mix your butter and crushed wafers together and form a crust in your greased pie pan.
2. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes. Allow to cool completely.
3. To make your pudding, place eggs, yolks, sugar, flour and milk in a saucepan over medium heat.
4. Whisk pudding together constantly until it thickens - about 11 minutes.
5. Once pudding is thickened and slightly bubbling, remove from heat and whisk in your vanilla.
6. Place pudding in a bowl with cling wrap touching the top of the pudding to avoid getting a film on top.
7. Put pudding in the fridge until it has completely cooled, about 1 hour.
8. To assemble the banana cream pie, put a layer of sliced bananas on top of your wafer crust, then place 1/3 of your pudding on top. Layer about 30 mini wafers on top of the pudding, then place another layer of bananas on top of the pudding. Complete the pie with the remaining 1/3 pudding and top with Cool Whip and additional wafers as desired.
9. Place in your refrigerator for 3-4 hours and serve chilled.

Vanilla Wafer Crust

 Whisking pudding mixture

 Banana slices, 1/3 pudding and wafers on top

 1/3 pudding with more banana slices

Banana Cream Pie


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